sabato, luglio 28, 2007

PEW RESEARCH ha pubblicato una ricerca sul mercato americano, che analizza la fruizione dei video online. L’immagine che ne emerge non credo sia coì distante da quella dellla popolazione italiana che possiede una connessione adsl.

Qui un’estratto:

Three-quarters of broadband users (74%) who enjoy high-speed connections at both home and work watch or download video online.
Young adults (those ages 18-29) are among the most voracious video viewers. Three-in-four young adult internet users (76%) report online consumption of video, compared with 57% of online adults ages 30-49. Less than half (46%) of internet users ages 50-64 watch or download video and just 39% of those age 65 and older do so.

The desire to share a viewing experience with others has already been a powerful force in seeding the online video market. Fully 57% of online video viewers share links to the videos they find online with others. Young adults are the most "contagious carriers" in the viral spread of online video. Two-in-three (67%) video viewers ages 18-29 send others links to videos they find online, compared with just half of video viewers ages 30 and older.
Most online video viewers prefer professionally-produced video over content “produced by amateurs.”
Overall, 62% of online video viewers say that their favorite videos are those that are professionally produced, while 19% of online video viewers express a preference for amateur content.

Qui la ricerca:

E’ interessante notare come esistano ancora realtà editoriali lontane o restie a queste evidenze.

3 commenti:

Lagnusia Favignana ha detto...

pronti pasrtenza e via

Unknown ha detto...

Umbi, fai commenti spamming? ;-) sul tuo figliastro Bigout?

Unknown ha detto...

per i video pubblicitari, online, siamo già avanti: